Saturday, December 6, 2008


Um... yeah. That's how long it took me to drive back today. 10 hours. Left around 12:30 this afternoon. Got in a little after 10:30. 10 hours. In the car. By myself. Waiting in super long lines at gas stations to go to the bathroom and get gas. One gas station was out of the regular stuff so they were selling the supreme for the regular price. And I got about 5 miles more per gallon. Of course, I was also going downhill much of the way. But it was in traffic. Because there was traffic the entire way. 10 hours of traffic. A drive that usually takes around 6 and a half hours. In 10 hours.
Much music was listened to. 10 hours of music.
I'm now tired, but I was drinking Diet Coke the whole way to keep me awake. So who knows if I'll be able to sleep. More on my vacation later. Right now, all I can think about is showering and sleeping. Because 10 hours in the car can really wear you out.
10 hours.
If I go up north again for Thanksgiving, I'm coming back on Saturday. I've heard it's not so bad. I've heard it would be less than 10 hours.
I'm completely useless right now.
Did I mention my drive was 10 hours long?
An average of about 40 miles per hour. Down I-5. Where it's usually easy to creep above 80.
10 hours.
Good night. Too bad I can't get 10 hours of sleep. That would be nice.

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